The construction of the two parks in Piraeus which occupy an overall surface of 22.000 m2 was of great importance, as both areas were reformed from scratch. The reformation had as a target to make the parks more attractive to the citizens. Dilaveri Park, even if it was preexisting there since 1990, it presented signs of abandonment during the last years. Papadogeorgi Park would be a new green site as its previous form was a military base and was full of debris.
The reformation included the reconstruction of the irrigation system and the overall cover of the sites with plants, trees and lawn grass. In addition we set up modern playgrounds, wooden pergolas and benches and in the centre of the two parks we set up two modern type fountains. The plants species are native Greek and Mediterranean type plants and occupy a surface of 6.000 m². The prepared lawn grass occupies a surface of 10.500 m². The irrigation was constructed with the usage of the automatic system, with dripper line tubes and for the lawn with the usage of the sub-terrain dripper line tube system with underground sprinklers.